Citizens for an Informed Yorktown


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Town Board Special Meeting

December 28, 2012


All five Board members were in attendance.


Open  Session

1.Waiver of notice

The Board voted unanimously to waive the notice of the special meeting. Supervisor Grace explained that the reason for the special meeting was the need to approve new insurance coverage as of January 1, 2013. The   Town’s current  insurance coverage expires on  December 31, 2012.


(Note: After the meeting had been adjourned, a notice that the meeting was to take place was sent via email to subscribers of the Town Board email list.)


2. Insurance contract

Supervisor Grace explained that because the Town’s current insurance carrier (Trident) had informed the Town some time ago that it would no longer cover the Town due to the number of losses, Bob Spadaccia, the Town’s insurance broker sought out other carriers. Travelers was the only company interested in submitting a proposal.


The new 2013 package (a combination of policies) will cost the Town about $168,618 more, or $655,618 compared to approximately $487,000 for 2012 coverage. Supervisor Grace said that some aspects of the new policy offer better coverage – but only if the Town needs to use the policies. He mentioned attorney’s fees and deductibles but did not explain the details of the new policies.


In a unanimous vote, the Board authorized the Supervisor to sign the new policy.


The Board then went into closed session to discuss personnel issues.


Open Session

1. Buy outs

The Board voted unanimously to allow Mary DeSilva to buy out 10 days of vacation time and Elfriede Schmid to buy out 15 days of vacation time. (Note: When asked by the CIY observer, the only member of the public at the meeting , what the cost of the buy outs would be, Supervisor Grace said that the information was not available.  Using 2012 salary data, CIY calculates the cost at approximately $6,800.)


2. Stipend for deputy comptroller

The Board voted unanimously to grant Deputy Comptroller Patricia Caporale a stipend of $5,275 to cover the time from September 14 to the end of December when she worked in the capacity of an acting comptroller.


3. Comptroller appointment

It was announced that at the January 8, 2013 meeting, the Board intends to appoint Patricia Caporale to the position of Comptroller at a salary of $92,750.