Hanover Corner SBL: 37.18-2-77 & 78 Discussion Site Plan Location: 1803 Commerce Street Description: The property owner is proposing on-site parking to accommodate the existing two-story building
Planning Board, 7-11-2016
In a 4-0 vote with Mr.Tripodi abstaining because he was not on the board when the site plan was reviewed, the board gave the final approval for the plan.
Mr. Riina advised the board that the DEP had approved a slightly revised SWPPP. The approving resolution will include standard stormwater conditions recommended by the town engineer and after the applicant has complied with them, the site plan will be officially signed.
The applicant has also submitted a lighting plan but the board did not review it.
Planning Board, 12-7-2015
The board voted unanimously to approve the latest plan.
Planning Board, 11-9-2015
There were no public comments. Chairman Fon called the improvements to the site, which will include two entrances (one for 2 way access and the second only for entering the site), 13 parking spaces, and grading for a future extension of the sidewalk, a “no brainer.” The plan will accommodate two apartments on the second floor and two offices on the first floor. The hearing was closed. The applicant will need DEP approval.
Planning Board, 10-19-2015
There was discussion about sidewalk connectivity on the site and the health and value of the adjacent street trees. A crosswalk is shown connecting the end of the sidewalk on this site with the sidewalk across Underhill Ave, where sight distances will be optimal. There was discussion about the location of the trash facilities, the potential for sharing carting services with adjacent properties (probably not feasible) and the truck turning space available on the site. (Note: The CIY was not present for the entire discussion.)
Planning Board, 10-5-2015
Discussion centered on the sidewalk proposed along Underhill Ave/Commerce St, specifically how it will impact the existing trees along the street and how far it should be extended. No conclusion was reached about the trees. Currently there are breaks in the sidewalk on this side of the street, requiring pedestrians to cross the street back and forth to follow it. After much discussion about the safest place for pedestrians to cross, the presence or absence of crosswalk markings in the pavement and the complication of a rock outcropping between the Hanover Corner site and the adjacent Spadaccia property, the Planning Board asked the applicant to blast away the rock to prepare that area for a sidewalk, but is not requiring the Hanover Corner sidewalk to be connected to the one along the Yorktown Commons site. Additionally the Town Highway Department would be consulted about re-installing crosswalk markings.
Planning Board, 9-21-2015
Public Information Hearing
The site currently has only 3 parking spaces, located off the driveway leading from Commerce St. to the garage at the rear. These spaces will be kept for the use of residential tenants and the property owner. The proposal is for 15 new parking spaces (13 are required), accessed by a new, two-way access further to the west. This second access, meant for the public, has much better sight distance. The footprint of the building will stay the same. The sidewalk along Commerce St. will be extended. The project needs DEP approval of its underground storm water detention plan.
There were no questions from the public, and the Public Informational Hearing was closed.
Planning Board, 8-10-2015
After only a brief discussion of the site plan, the board scheduled a public informational hearing for September 21.
Issues under consideration include whether the sidewalk should be continued along Underhill Avenue to connect up with the existing sidewalk. If this is done, it will require the removal of about three trees. Joe Riina, the applicant’s engineer also raised the issue about pedestrian crossings to the parking lot across the street adjacent to the highway garage.
Planning Board, June 22, 2015
(For history of the site dating back to 2008, click here.)
On a recent site visit, traffic congestion on this site was obvious to the Planning Board. The plan proposes an entrance-only on the north side of the building and an entrance/exit on the south side. There was discussion of the sight distance at the entrance/exit, and Mr. Tegeder asked for a sight distance analysis with pictures. Mr. Riina of Site Design Consultants said visibility at that location ranges from the intersection of Commerce and Kear Sts. in one direction and to the farm market in the other, provided the lower branches of some trees are trimmed back. There was discussion of, at least potentially, extending the sidewalk, but since it ends at a rock outcropping, this didn’t go anywhere. Mr. Flynn was interested in connecting this parking lot with the neighboring property, but according to Mr. Riina, the steep grade of the next site would make this unfeasible. Since the proposal allows for two extra parking spaces, Mr. Flynn suggested they be converted to green space, but the applicant wanted to keep them as parking for future growth.