Planning Board, 4-3-2017
David Sessions, the engineer for the project, outlined the plan. The three buildings will be: 12,500 SF on lot 1,
28, 000 on lot 2, and 2 buildings on lot 3 of 39,000 and 21,000 Sf. Together the three sites will have 217 parking spaces.
Lot 1 includes a town wetland; the mitigation incudes creating a forebay to catch sediment coming from the south side of Route 6. In response to Mr. Sessions’ comments that the town would be removing the sediment from the forebay, Councilman Bernard and two people in the audience commented that it should be the applicant’s responsibility to maintain the forebay even if the sediment was not coming from the applicant’s site.
The mitigation for lots 2 and 3 (the access road will cross a state wetlands) will consist of removing invasive species.
Mr. Sessions advised the board that the applicant is still waiting for DEC approval.
Susan Siegel, the person writing this summary, advised the board that the applicant owes well over $100,000 in back taxes and that it behooved the applicant to pay them before getting site plan approval
The hearing was closed.
Planning Board, 3-13-2017
The applicant is reviving a plan to subdivide this 18 acre parcel into 3 lots that could each be developed individually, and at separate times depending on the market, for a combination warehouse/office/retail use. One building has access from Navajo Rd; the two other buildings from a single access point on Route 6. The plan dates back to 2005 and, according to the applicant, was close to getting Planning Board approval when the 2008 recession lit. At the time, the Conservation Board had signed off on the plan, including mitigation measures involving the site’s wetlands and the plan was close to getting DEC approval. The plan remains basically unchanged, except that there will have to be some stormwater changes to meet newer regulations.
The applicant advised the board that the DEC had recertified the wetlands delineation about a year ago and that written confirmation will be forthcoming. The board will have to decide is this will be adequate to meet the town’s wetlands’ requirement. (During this discussion, and when the applicant said he would confer with Bruce Barber, the town’s environmental consultant, Councilman Bernard, who attends the meetings as Town Board liaison, indicated that Mr. Barber no longer works for the town.)
Given the time lapse since the initial public hearing, the board decided to hold a new public hearing on the plan on April 3 but will not take any final action on the plan until it receives the DEC wetlands approval.