Town Board

September 15, 2020



Personnel, litigation and negotiation




1. Announcements

Halloween Parade: In lieu of the parade, a movie will be shown at the JV Mall.

Holiday Lights Parade:  The town is still assessing whether it is safe to hold the event.

Par 3 Golf Course: Is expected to open in late summer , 2021

Finance: The town has lost $185,000 in anticipated state aid and pension costs will increase by $100,000 for 2021.

Destination Yorktown: Supervisor Slater said the town has been receiving several calls about possible developers. No specifics were cited.

Highway: Given issues with receiving state CHIPS funds for road paving, Mr. Paganelli said he has been holding off on  this year’s repaving, but will do the work in segments.  He anticipates milling five roads (not named) for $180,000.

Speed bumps. Mr. Paganelli reminded residents that speed bumps are not permitted on major roads such as Hanover and Ridge.  


2. National Food Truck Association

(See Town Board  9-8-2020.) Matt Geller, president of the Association walked the board through a power point presentation. Supervisor Slater said that Parks Superintendent Martorano has expressed interest in the food trucks at the town’s parks and athletic fields.  The town would have total control over where and when the trucks would be allowed.  The trucks would be managed by the Association and the town could charge a flat fee, a percentage of sales, or a combination of both.  It was suggested that the town start with one location as a pilot.  Supervisor Slater and Councilwoman Roker  said that the trucks would not dsplace existing restaurants in town.


3. Courtesy of the Floor

Yorktown for Justice. In response to a question from Amy Savino as to when the town would begin the

state’s “203” review process of police procedures, Supervisor Slater said the board would be discussing the issue at its next meeting.


Commercial water meters.  Susan Siegel, the person writing this summary, asked for a report at a future meeting on the results of the Water Department’s efforts to get commercial water customers to test the accuracy of their meters as required by town code. In response, Mr. Slater sad that while he did not have current statistics, he noted that the depart6ment had received some hardship requests.


 4. Personnel

Planning: the board accepted the resignation of Thomas D’Agostino.

Water: Appointed Paul Vasillo provisional assistant distribution superintendent.

Parks: Appointed Scott Ferreira as a temporary maintenance mechanic.


5. Solar Law

Without any discussion, the board approved the solar law.  Earlier in the meeting, in response to comments during Courtesy of the Floor, Mr. Tegeder corrected a comment, noting that solar systems are allowed in industrial zones although not on industrially zoned vacant land.


6. Battery Storage Law

Without any discussion the board adopted the proposed law.


7. Scheduled public hearings for October 6.

Amending  chapter 240, Sewer Code, adding a new section: Low Pressure Sewer Systmes.

Barger Street Getty Station.


8. Tax certiorari settlement

For 1870 East Main Street, reducing the property’s assessed value for 2015-2019 from $23,100 in 2015 to $17,795 in 2019.