Town Board
November 17, 2020
1. Courtesy of the Floor
Arts & Culture Committee. (See Town Board 7-14-2020.) A resident asked about the status of the committee, noting that several residents had expressed interest in serving on the committee but hadn’t received any communications. In response, Supervisor Slater stated the importance of the committee which he said was on his radar. He repeated that it made sense to merge the town’s interest with the Chamber’s.
2. Personnel
Recreation Commission. Al Avitable resigned as a member.
Parks Department. Kyle Thomas resigned as Assistant Superintendent of Parks and Recreation
Police. Brandon S. Schmelmer was appointed police officer
Scott Ferreira was appointed Maintenance Mechanic (Repair.) Department not identified.
3. Beaveridge Housing/1965 Allan Avenue
The board adopted a resolution authorizing the supervisor to sign an agreement with the owners of the senior housing complex that extends the development’s tax exemption status but replaces the tax payment with a PILOT, a Payment In Lieu of Taxes. The agreement calls for the owner to invest $750,000 to upgrade the 160 unit complex, built in 1980, and spend up to $880,000 to design and build an on-site 4,000 sf 2-story community center building that would be leased back to the town at zero cost. Once the center was built, there would be an adjustment to the PILOT payment.
The proposed building would house the Recreation Department on the second floor and be used for recreational programs on the first floor. (It was not clear if the first floor would be for all residents or just senior citizens.) The nutrition center would remain at the AACCC.
4. 1917 Commerce Street/BP gas station
The station is requesting an amendment to its special use permit so it can replace an existing free standing pole sign and signage on the existing pumps to reflect a new brand, Extra Fuels. Mr. Tegeder advised the applicant that the town prefers monument signs to pole signs. The application wad referred out and a public hearing scheduled for December 15.
5. 3205 Crompond Road/ Mobil Station
The station wants to amend its special permit to add signage to its pumps and an illuminated light bar on its existing canopy. The application was referred out and a hearing set for December 15.
Interviews related to the “employment of a particular person.” litigation and negotiations.