Town Board Meeting in Executive Session

January 28, 2016


After opening the meeting, the board voted to go into closed executive session “for the purpose of discussing the employment history of particular persons.”


The meeting was held upstairs in the Supervisor’s office and, as instructed by the super visor’s executive assistant, the CIY observer remained downstairs in the lobby once the board went into executive session.


The meeting began shortly after 6pm and lasted 3½ hours, until 9:30pm.

·         From 6pm to 7:30pm, in addition to the board members, the town attorney and the supervisor’s  assistant, the following  were upstairs: Ed Mahoney, Assistant Superintendent at the sewage treatment plant, Margaret Gspurning, Human Resources  Specialist, and Sharon Robinson, the former Acting Town Engineer who contracted with the town for the month of January, 2016 to provide engineering services on a consulting basis. (Note: as there is an outer office to the supervisor’s office, and both doors were closed, it is not known if these people participated in the entire board discussion.)

·         At 7:30pm, John Tegeder, Director of Planning and Bruce Barber, the town’s environmental consultant joined the meeting.

·         At 8:30pm, Councilman Patel left the meeting. He did not say anything about what had been discussed.

·         At 9:10pm. Barber, Tegeder, Robinson and Mahoney left the meeting, leaving only Gspurning  upstairs.

·         At 9:30, the Town Clerk was summoned to the supervisor’s office. The supervisor made a motion to adjourn the meeting.