SBL: 59.10-1-47, 59.10-2-3 - 10, 59.10-2-16 - 27
Location: Vine Road
Contact: Arthur Bartosch
Description: A 2-lot subdivision approved by Res# 11-01 dated January 24, 2011.

Planning Board, 7/16/2012

The Board approved the first 90-day extension for the 2-lot subdivision.The applicant was not present.

Planning Board, 5/7/2012

The board okayed a modification to the original approving resolution that will permit the applicant to delay posting approximately $25,000 for a performance bond and erosion control bond until he either applies for a building permit or wants to begin any site work.Mr. Bartosch explained that because he doesn’t plan to start construction in the near future and he was reluctant to tie up $25,000 in a non- interest bearing account.Based on the amended resolution, Mr. Bartosch will have to return to the board once he is ready to begin construction or site work.